What are people saying?


The Anteater is by far the best adjusting instrument that I have ever used. I do not recommend products to my clients, however this tool is the exception.  It makes adjusting as easy as butter.

-Dr. Jay Morgan D.C.

Board member Parker College of Chiropractic

Jay Morgan Consulting

"The Anteater is amazing! I love it!  I use in the practice now. Everyone loves it.  They get deeper and crisper adjustments with it!"

-Dr. Billy DeMoss

Dead Chiropractic Society Founder


"I've been doing anterior dorsals for 50 years and have never had anything like this.  This is the first time I have ever experienced an anterior dorsal that ever moved so easy and it was so effortless.  When it was done to me I didn't feel a thing (meaning no discomfort) and that's the best movement I have ever had on me.  I think that everybody should get one of these. Although I am now officially retired, I just bought one for my son who hurts his hand doing anterior dorsals. Now he can adjust me when I visit him without injuring himself."

-Dr. Charles Ribley

Co Founder Life Chiropractic College

"The best thing I ever bought!  I love it.  I use it on everyone and it makes those occasional three hundred pound patients a breeze!"

-Dr. Jeff Lupo

Lupo Chiropractic, Roseville MI

"The Anteater is the single most significant adjusting tool I have ever experienced. The profession needed this for the past hundred years. I own one and I love it. Every doctor of chiropractic needs one. I promise you it will make adjusting so much easier while maximizing your patient's comfort."

-Dr. Terry Rondberg DC

CEO World Chiropractic Alliance


It's wonderful!  The Anteater gives me a great adjustment and feels softer than the doctor's hand!

-Kino MacGregor

World renowned Ashtanga Yoga Instructor and founder of the Miami Life Center

Easy and smooth are the words that I would use to describe the Anteater.  It simply gives me the most comfortable, gentle and effective anterior adjustments that I have ever received.

-Dr. Gene Giggleman

Dean of Academic Affairs at Parker Chiropractic College

Its frikkin amazing!  I wish this was around years ago when I started in practice.  I wouldn't have the arthritis in my hand that I now have.

-Dr. Don Ferrante DC

President Oregon Chiropractic Association and Anteater owner.

I initially bought two for the office.  I just bought two more.  Don't even ask any questions.  Buy it.  This tool is that good!

-Dr. Dan Grant DC, Chandler AZ

The Anteater Rocks!  I have never received such great chiropractic adjustments as I do with the Anteater.  The adjustments are deep yet feel so good!  All Chiropractors should be using it!

-Kimberly Flynn

World renowned Ashtanga Yoga Instructor and Actress

I was a little skeptical that the anteater would perform as

well as described. I bought one because after doing anterior

adjustments for 20 years my hand, wrist, forearm and elbow

were hurting most of the time. I thought I might have to

quit correcting anteriors. The first thrust with the

anteater my office manager and I both said "wow". The next

day I bought one for each treatment room. Patients really do

find it more comfortable. Thanks Doc for a great product

that lives up to its promise.

-Dr. Philip E Cooley DC

I was amazed at the simplicity of the Anteater.  I've always avoided using any instrument with anterior adjustments because nothing could provide feedback like my own hands.  But the Anteater works great!

-Dr. Gary Estadt DC, DACRB, FIAMA,

President Ohio State Chiropractic Association 2008

I had injured my thumb and it was me bothering daily.   I do a lot of anterior adjustments and my injury was becoming chronic.   I had seen the whale tail on several occasions and wasn't impressed.   It didn't work.   Then while googling I found the Anteater.   At first I didn't want to spend the money because frankly, it was more expensive.   But after I could no longer put up with the pain in my thumb I stopped putting it off and ordered it.   Wow!   The Anteater has surpassed all of my expectations.   There is absolutely no pressure on my hand and my thumb is finally healing.   But the real beauty is in how well this thing works!   Even my most challenging, larger patients have become so much easier to adjust!   On a few patients I have my fingers only partially in the Anteater allowing me to better position my body for the thrust.   My patients love it too.   It is well made, will last a lifetime and the polished stainless steel looks very professional.   I am so thrilled I bought it! I could have spent less money on an inferior product and been unhappy.   Injury or no injury, I would urge all Chiropractors to purchase the Anteater.

-Dr. Mark S Bitskay DC

WOW!! while I was at Parker Seminar in Las Vegas this year there was a line OUT THE DOOR to use the anteater adjuster. It had to be one of the busiest booths at the expo and it wasn't because they were "giving away" free stuff. It was because they were giving doctors the gift of longevity in our practice by saving our money makers. Our hands!!!. Thank you for a wonderful invention.

- Dr. Annette Zaro

I couldn’t believe how easy it was to adjust even my toughest patients!  Since I have been using it I haven't had one complaint. There's definitely a learning curve in the beginning but once you are comfortable with it, your patients will love it!

- Dr. Frank LeDonne DC

The Anteater is fantastic!  It really works!  And believe me I've seen it all.  From blocks, dowel rods to the squishy rubber deal.   Nothing even comes close.  The Anteater is worth every penny and more.  Being a doctor I deserve a quality product and as a doctor I am concerned about my health, as well as my patients.  And from the first moment I received it I knew I had spent my money wisely.  The Anteater is pure genius.  I have used it on hundreds of patients.  Its amazing how everyone loves the feel of it.  Its extremely comfortable for the patients and its easy on me.  I won't do another anterior adjustment without it!

-Dr. Kevin Strohman DC

Your tool rocks!  I regularly get positive comments from my patients on the increased comfort using the Anteater.  Thanks for your contribution to our profession.

-David Corll D.C.


I've had the Anteater for two years now (2011).  I hurt my hand and I've been doing anterior work for years, and boy I just got to the point where my hand was just aching. So I started looking at all of the different products and I saw the Anteater and I said "Man, that thing is expensive!"  But it looked interesting. So I ordered it and when I got it I said, "Well, no wonder! It is really well made!  It's not going anywhere, its really solid.  Then I thought,  well maybe those two little bars look really hard.  So I started testing it out on patients and all except my skinniest bony patients everyone said..."You know Dr. Bob, that felt better...a lot better than your hand!"  It was more consistent.  Then I asked, "Well weren't those little bar things hard?"  They said, "Not all all.  Your fingers, and your bones are hard.  I didn't even feel that (on my back) at all." 

And it's actually easier for me.  I have to apply less force on the patient because of the way the Anteater is set up. 

And your educational adjusting videos have enhanced the way I adjust.

Thank you very much!  I really appreciate the product!

-Dr Robert Carpenter D.C.

Hales corner, WI

After first receiving my Anteater I first used it on, let's just say, a very large patient who has always been very hard to adjust.  I simply slipped it under him, applied a little pressure and he adjusted before I even expected it! He said it was the best adjustment he had in months and insisted that in the future I use the Anteater when treating him.  This thing is awesome!

-Dr. George Khoury DC

2009-2016 Pennsylvania State Chiropractic Board

Past President of the Pittsburgh District Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association

After breaking my right ring finger in an accident, I started to panic about the welfare of my practice. Thanks to the "Anteater" I was able to continue adjusting my patients without delay and with confidence. This is a tool every chiropractor should own.

-Dr. Rowdy C. Abshire DC

After 25 years in practice the "Anteater" now allows me to get those difficult anteriors! Patients love the results and my hand will last another 25!  Seeing over 100 patients a day this is truly a great product!  I have 4 in my practice and my associates love it as well. Thanks again!

-Dr. Gary J Weinstein DC

The Anteater allows my upper thoracics to move in a way that they usually do not.  What a powerful tool!

-Dr. Jill Craig DC and Anteater owner

I love the Anteater!  It's awesome!  My patients have come to love it and they get a great adjustment.  But what I like about it the most is that it protects my hand.  My hand doesn't go through the abuse that it normally goes through when doing my anteriors.  I really like it a lot!

-Dr. Mike Yue DC

The Anteater makes anteriors an easy and gentle adjustment and saves my hands.

-Dr. Steven Silverman DC

The Anteater makes adjusting so much easier for me.  It is easier on my hands and takes much less pressure to adjust the patient.

-Dr. Jennifer Sales DC

The first thing that came to mind after being adjusted with the Anteater was how amazingly comfortable it felt.  I'm thrilled to own a device that is comfortable and protective for both my patients and I.

-Dr. Dove Fedor